Starlet Nights

Welcome to Starlet Nights.

Starlet's House of Dance Dance Booty Shake Place of Babbilicious Yay!!!

Or in layman's terms, a place to find all of Starlet's lovely stories.

A few disclaimers if you please....

1) All works found within are fiction! Made up in Starlet's beautiful mind. None of it's real.

2) Stories contained within may contain slash. Slash for those of you not in the know is a story written about two guys (or two girls) in a romantic relationship, or just having sex for sex's sake or anything in between.

3) Stories contained within may contain RealPeopleSlash (RPS). RPS is slash using celebrities. Athletes, musicians, etc.

4) No disrespect or harm is intended. All works were written for fun, and with complete respect for whoever they may be written about.

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Website created by Katie Jones for Starlet. All works published within are the intellectual property of Starlet. Do not steal or even use without express permission. Thank you.